Time for Take Off

Holy smokes! Here we go! I didn't think this day was ever going to come! Taylor's visa finally came on Thursday, the day before we left Portland. (Just in the nick of time! Phew!) The only problem is that it's a 90 day visa, which is completely useless. (US citizens can travel to Germany as... Continue Reading →


It’s no secret that we’re living an unconventional lifestyle right now. We took a side-step from the “American Dream” when we chose to wait on buying a house, a car, and a dog. We chose to chase a different dream first. So yes, our situation is a little different and people have been asking a... Continue Reading →

It’s Not That Simple

We heard Joey Harrington's TEDx Talk about how easy it is to portray yourselves in a whole different light on social media. We all do it. We post about all the exciting and great things happening in our lives with no regard to the hard, realities that we deal with. In turn, this creates a... Continue Reading →

My Job Offer

 Looks like Taylor won't be the only one working while we're in Germany! I am so excited to remain employed through Planar, a Leyard company. I've been the Marketing Coordinator for about a year and now I'll continue to manage similar projects while I work remotely in Europe. This wasn't an easy sell to my... Continue Reading →

Moving Out

Now that we have the process started with the government, we went ahead and moved out of our apartment, our first home together. It was a two bedroom apartment that we had filled and painted, so there was a lot of cleaning, painting, and purging to be done before we could leave. In order to... Continue Reading →

We had our official meeting at the Consulate General of Germany on Monday, March 21 to apply for our visas! This was a huge step in our big move because (1) it started the process with the government, (2) it gave us an idea of a time frame, and (3) it answered a few questions... Continue Reading →

Taylor’s Job Offer

Well, it's official! Taylor was offered a job in Technical Sales through the LPKF Laser & Electronics office in Fürth, Germany. We began discussing the opportunity with LPKF in September and Taylor didn't receive his job offer until February...that's 5 months! Since we pitched the idea to the company in September, it has been an ongoing conversation,... Continue Reading →

Learning German

I would be totally lying if I said that Taylor and I were well on our way to mastering the German language. Heck, I'm lucky if my English is grammatically correct! But I can honestly say that we are trying. We bought Rosetta Stone, downloaded Duolingo, and (my favorite!) re-decorated our apartment with sticky note labels... Continue Reading →

The Big Decision

The most commonly asked question we hear is, "What made you decide to move to Germany?" My most common response is, "Well, my husband's company is transferring him. Blah, blah, blah." But the REAL answer to that question is this: Look at the picture to the left. It's taken in our home where every little knick,... Continue Reading →

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